Ten Important Reasons to Slow Down

As I write this I am in the middle of summer in North Carolina. Some days it is so oppressively hot that the minute I step outside it is like Mother Nature herself is yelling at me to slow down!

While not everyone has a challenge with slowing down, I am one of the people who has been tricked into thinking that if I rush a little to get more done today, I will have more time tomorrow to relax and take it slow. I am sure I am not the only one who thinks this way.

Today, so many parts of the world are moving at such a fast pace. People are struggling to keep up and trying to find more time. What I, and many other people, fail to realize is that time is not so much the issue. It is more about how we use it. 

I am trying to be much more aware of where my time is going and how I use it. I am also learning how to slow down and enjoy life a little more. Why now? I am not sure if I am questioning where my life is going after 40 or if redirecting my intentions are a by-product of the pandemic. Either way, I am taking the opportunity to find ways to improve my well-being and take things a little slower.

What is the harm in trying something that will improve our well-being?

Whether you have to consciously think about slowing down or not, there are many reasons why it is important to slow down. Below are just 10 that I thought were significant. 

Slowing down helps us:

1. Stay in tune with how we are really feeling. It allows us to “be in the moment”. In turn, we can gain a new perspective on the things going on around us.

2. Be more authentic. If we are in tune with feelings and fully understand what we are doing and why, we will inadvertently be more authentic in how we present ourselves. 

3. Think creatively & critically. Sometimes we need to slow down and let our brains wander in order to encourage creativity and to make room for critical thinking. If we just keep moving from one task to another, we never get a chance to reflect on what we are doing. In order to problem-solve and move forward, it may mean we have to move at a slower pace. It doesn’t help to continuously let our wheels turn and not get anywhere.

4. Enjoy the moment. Slowing the pace helps us to feel the joy in the moments we want to savor. If we constantly go from one thing to the next and are paying attention to too many things at once, we can’t enjoy those moments that will bring us happiness or satisfaction.   

5. Embrace the process.  Whether we talk about goals, milestones, or intentions, there is a process to get from point A to point B. Rather than just getting to the end of the journey as fast as possible, embracing each step to get there helps us appreciate the journey that much more. 

6. Set boundaries and prioritize how we use our time. Sometimes we need to slow down to see where we have been, where we are now, and where we want to go. if we just keep moving on the treadmill of life, it will just pass us by. When we slow down, we start to realize what is truly important and what is worthy of our time.

7. Avoid mistakes or miscommunication. Rushing to get things done can actually cause us to lose time and energy. How often do we just respond to an email/text and realize we didn’t say the right thing? When have we tried to get something done as fast as possible and then had to go back and fix our mistakes? It happens!

8. Stay focused. If we slow down, we can think more clearly and strategically about what really needs to get accomplished. When we fall into the trap of multitasking, we ultimately lose time and energy. If we slow down and concentrate on one thing more intently, we are more likely to have the mental capacity to complete the task at hand.

9. Relieve stress & anxiety. Rushing around can cause stress and anxiety. How urgent is it to get out the door by a certain time? Is someone going to really be harmed or will the world really come to a halt if things don’t go at the speed of lightning? Can that email response wait until later?  We will never be truly “caught up” or have everything checked off on our to-do list. Rushing won’t save that much time in the long run. 

10. Improve our well-being. For all the reasons stated, slowing down is important to help improve our overall well-being.  

While slowing down may be difficult for some of us, others can fully embrace moving at a slower pace. If you are someone who has to be busy all of the time and tends to rush around you may want to ask yourself if it is really worth it.

It is important to listen to what your individual needs are and what you want your time to look like. Slowing down may be just one way to help maintain your well-being. 

What does slowing down look like to you? Email me at dani@danichoicoaching.com. I would love to hear from you!

I empower mission-driven individuals to organize their time so they can thrive. We prioritize what needs to get done and what is most important. That may mean finding ways to slow down!  Click here to learn more about my services.

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