Piecing Together the Whole You
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Piecing Together the Whole You

Like a quilt, life is perfectly imperfect. Not all the pieces have to be equally balanced or perfectly placed to make it whole. What pieces of your life make you the whole person that you are?

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Ten Important Reasons to Slow Down
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Ten Important Reasons to Slow Down

Slowing down may be difficult for some of us - especially in such a fast-paced world. If you are someone who has to be busy all of the time and tends to rush around from one thing to the next, you may want to ask yourself if it is really worth it. Read more to find out about the importance of slowing down.

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Declutter Your Schedule
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Declutter Your Schedule

Spring is a good time to put into action what we may have been thinking about doing for a long time - creating some space in our schedules. Find out some steps you can take to clear the clutter from your schedule.

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