Piecing Together the Whole You

When you piece together all the parts of your life, do you feel like you have everything you need to be the person you want to be? If not, what is missing?  

What really makes you all of who you are?

Do you feel like all the pieces of your life have to be aligned in a very particular way in order to maintain a sense of being who you are? 

Just like putting aside the idea that perfection exists, I would argue that a 100% balanced life can’t be achieved. Not all parts of who you are have to be equal at all times! 

I like to think of the pieces of our life as a big, scrappy, mismatched quilt that we are sewing together as we go. 

In this quilt of life, pieces of fabric don’t always look the same and they don’t have to be perfectly sewn together. As a matter of fact, they could even overlap and be all different shapes and sizes. 

The colorful patterns might clash up close, but as a whole, they somehow beautifully blend together. 

What would happen if you allow yourself to accept that things may be a little “off balance”  and look a little messy right now? 

Your schedule - which makes up all the pieces of your life - is just like all of those pieces of a quilt that come together to make you all of who you are - the whole you. 

Some weeks, your work may be a bigger part of your schedule while other weeks, family time may be a bigger part of your schedule. There isn’t a magic formula to keep all of the pieces of your life perfectly aligned and in order. 

What you might have to look out for are the holes or the missing pieces. What do you want more of? What could you benefit from? What would make your quilt more complete?

You can assess where in your life you need to do some patching and modifying so that all of you can still be there - even if just in a small way right now.

As with anything, you may need reinforcement, or more support, to keep everything together. That is all part of how you make it work. 

Like a quilt, life is perfectly imperfect. Not all the pieces have to be equally balanced or perfectly placed. Once completed, the quilt is a beautifully sewn together piece of art. Something that is unique and special. 

Ultimately, you learn how to piece patches of fabric together as you go and they become a bit more uniform. You learn how to fill the holes and make patterns work together. You learn that maybe not everything looks so great up close, but when you step further back, things start to look much better. 

Are you ready to create your quilt and piece together all the parts of who you are? 

Interested in Coaching? If you are ready to make a positive change, feel whole again, and gain clarity around what is important to spend your time and energy on , set up a free 30 minute intro video chat with Dani.

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Feeling Behind


The Done List