Feeling Behind
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Feeling Behind

Feeling behind on all the things you want to get done? It may be time to realistically check in on what you can actually do and what is most important to you. Read more about what you can do to gain more peace of mind.

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Reflections on How to Live Your Best Life
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Reflections on How to Live Your Best Life

How can we spend our time and energy to live our best life? My top five takeaways from 2022 offer some ideas. They include: slow down, schedule downtime, align priorities with your mission, create habits and seek support. Continue reading for more insight!

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Dealing with Information Overload
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Dealing with Information Overload

We are taking in more information than ever before and our brains are getting overloaded. We have to determine what we want to spend time and energy thinking about and what we don’t. Read on to find out three tips on how to deal with information overload.

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Living with Distractions
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Living with Distractions

Many of us live in a constant state of being distracted by all that is going on in our lives and it really does become a challenge to know what is truly important to us. One way to minimize distractions is to clear the clutter.

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Dani’s Approach to Coaching
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Dani’s Approach to Coaching

I like to think of coaching as a journey where everyone gets to decide which direction is right for them. My 5-C Approach consists of being curious, finding clarity, creating a path, feeling calm and in control, and having confidence to take the next step. Read on to find out more about my approach to coaching.

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What is Coaching?
Dani Choi Dani Choi

What is Coaching?

There are many ways to define coaching and many different types of coaches out there in the world today. I empower clients to think about possibilities, move forward with more clarity, and create an organized life on their own terms. Ultimately, I want to ensure that clients access time to thrive in a way that is meaningful to them.

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