Living with Distractions

We live in a world where there are distractions all around us. Finding the things we need to focus on can be increasingly difficult.

I am not here to say what distractions are good or bad for us. I don’t want to list out all the ways to avoid or embrace all the distractions we have to live with on a daily basis. 

I simply want to acknowledge that many of us live in a constant state of being distracted by all that is going on in our lives and it really does become a challenge to know what is truly important to us.

Even as I sat down to write this, I found myself first wanting to scroll through my social media before getting started. Then I figured it would be good to tidy the house a bit. Then the cats were asking for treats…and so on!

Could these be things distracting me from getting to writing or are they simply things in life - certain conditions - that need to be met in order for me to continue writing without feeling distracted? I guess I don’t have the answer to that. Sometimes I don’t mind having small things, like my cats, distract me because they provide joy and contentment for me. 

However, in my own experience, I have found that the less I have around to distract me - mainly the stuff that I perceive as being on the more negative side - the more inclined I am to start doing what matters to me.  

In a lot of ways, I feel like distractions can be linked to the clutter we have around us. Clutter is the stuff you don’t need or want at this moment in time. The important thing to remember is that what I consider to be clutter may not be considered clutter to someone else. 

Clutter isn’t just the physical stuff on your desk or in your closet. It could simply be the things that take your time and energy that draw you away from what you want to be doing. It could be the time or activities you over-committed to during the week or the myriad of things floating around in your head that are taking up mental space. 

Decluttering your schedule is just as important as decluttering your space to help minimize distractions around you! If you find that something is distracting you in a negative way or isn’t serving you anymore, it probably isn’t something you need right now. 

What are some ways you can start to clear the clutter and minimize the distractions in your life you don’t want?

I empower mission-driven individuals to organize their time so they can thrive. We prioritize what is most important to live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling.  Click here to learn more about my coaching services.

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