Trust the Trek

At the start of September I got to hike a (very small) portion of the Appalachian Trail in Damascus, VA. It was a pretty hot and humid day so it wasn’t the most comfortable hike, but it was still beautiful!

To me, it always seems the first time you start down a path, time passes ever so slowly.

As I moved along, I got to thinking about why I was doing this hike while it was so hot in the first place. I also wondered if I should have looked at a map a bit better to know where I was going.

The trees and the birds told me WHY I was there because the rustle of the leaves and chatter of the forest is always calming to me. Furthermore, I didn’t need to pull out the map because the trail was clear and there wasn’t really anywhere else I could go but forward or back!

There are times in life when we need to trust the journey and take the time to just keep moving forward - and try not to look at the clock so much! There are wonderful things to see and hear along the way. While it seems a little uncomfortable at times, it is definitely worth the trek.

Maybe that resonates with you. Wherever you are right now, it is probably where you need to be!

I share this because I don’t always know where I am on the trail or how far I have traveled. I certainly don’t always know how long it is going to take me to get to where I want to be.

The same with life. 

And here we are in September of 2024!

I am where I need to be and I am looking forward to what lies ahead.

I would love to hear what you look forward to as we move into the latter part of 2024.

Thanks for reading this far! If you want to find some clarity as you are moving along, I encourage you to schedule a time for a complimentary and confidential intro. coaching call.

I specialize in coaching mission-driven helpers who are overwhelmed, overcommitted, and often frustrated because they try to do it all. I want my clients to be able to live a life where they can find meaning and fulfillment, and are able to take time to serve themselves WHILE serving others!

Feel free to sign up for my email list and keep an eye out for upcoming events, offers, and periodic tips. 


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