Seasons of Change

We all go through transitions - whether it is in our personal life, the life of a business, or in experiencing the natural cycles of our environment. All of these changes provide us opportunities to get curious about who we are, where we are, and where we want to be.

Often, it can be the life transitions that spark the desire in us to think about things differently and decide what we really want. Transitional phases can help us examine missions and values at deeper levels. They also help us reorganize priorities.  

One of the bigger transitions I am going through at the moment is changing my business name from Side by Side Organizing to Dani Choi Coaching.  

After a couple of years of trying to explain to people who I am and what I do, I decided that I needed to not only clarify for myself who I am, but I needed everyone else to know too!  

Why now? 

Well, it is never too late (or early) to make a change. I wanted to let people know what I am doing (coaching) and have my business name reflect me (Dani Choi) as being the person who is providing services. I realized that my business name was confusing people and it was holding me back from getting out there to tell people what I do!

In addition to that, I have just completed a 5-Course Coach Training Program. It has been a 15-month journey and I am so grateful for everyone that supported me along the way. I am excited to share all that I have gained to enhance my coaching skills. 

This ICF-Accredited, certified coach training program offered by Coach Approach Training/Institute for Applied Coaching will help me coach using a more neurodivergent lens so that I can partner with clients who may or may not be diagnosed with executive functioning challenges. As a result, I can apply strengths-based coaching strategies and have a better understanding of some of the unique skills that will help me serve all of my clients in a more inclusive way. 

As before, I am still focusing on helping mission-driven individuals manage time and life in a way that is meaningful to them. Some examples of things I coach around are:

  • Scheduling priorities - aligning time with values

  • Decluttering the calendar - creating space & boundaries to do what matters most

  • Finding systems & routines to help stay focused

  • Slowing down to make time for rest & recharge

Now what?

As I make this transition and continue to launch Dani Choi Coaching into the world, I thank you for your patience as everything is still in progress and may take a little while to get sorted. I looked back at what I wrote as I was moving across the country in the summer of 2021 and wanted to share with you some tips about making transitions. Transitions most definitely take time and patience! 

As you think about your own seasons of change - whatever life transitions you are going through - remember to treat yourself with kindness and respect. That may mean taking some time to reflect and re-evaluate what you want. It may also mean protecting some of your time and energy so that you can make clear and confident decisions moving forward.

Life is full of transitions and also full of possibilities! 

Join my email list to get periodic news, tips and updates from me. You can also stay connected with me on LinkedIn or Instagram.

Interested in Coaching? If you are  interested in coaching to help organize time and priorities as you go through a transition, please set up a free 30 minute intro video chat with Dani.

Please share with friends and colleagues who may be interested in coaching. 


Who Are You?


Personal Mission Statement