Who Are You?

Who are you?

What makes you the person that you show up as?

Identifying who you are is not always as easy as it sounds! I think we are constantly finding out more about ourselves and figuring out who we really are. 

I will admit that it has taken me quite a while to identify as a business owner. I don’t know if I ever thought of myself as such. It is new and scary, and it doesn’t roll off my tongue as easily as I want it to when I am introducing who I am and what I am passionate about doing. I know that if I want to embrace this new identity, I need to be comfortable calling myself a business owner and show the world that this is a new part of who I am. It isn’t just a position or a title for me – it is something that I am building and nurturing. It is something that I am proud of and want the world to recognize because of the type of service I provide and the lives I want to touch. I wouldn’t consider this to be the first thing to identify myself as, but it is one of the many things that makes me who I am right now.

In essence, you could take my example above and replace “business owner” with whatever it is that you want to tell the world about who you are. There are always going to be many parts to who we each are and that is what makes our individual identities so beautiful. 

When talking about identities, there are those that we conform to because of society but the identity we can embrace is based on so much. It is not just a box we check off on a form. It is far beyond what people see on the surface or the title we carry because of our work, or the role people see us in every day.  

I coach clients around what they want to do with their time, but I often explore how people see themselves in the world based on their values, strengths, likes and contributions.

Your identity can certainly be shaped by how the world sees you on the surface, but it can also be based on what you are passionate about and what you enjoy doing. It can be the things that motivate you and keep you going each day. It can evolve as you start to understand your community where people welcome and respect you for who you are – where people encourage growth and your own understanding of who you are.

There are so many things that can make up who you are and that can influence how you show up.

Identities can evolve through our lives, and we can take on several as we grow – as we learn more about who we are and take on new roles or responsibilities. As we make transitions, some of our identities shift…others stay in place. Identities are based on many different aspects of our lives.

Some questions you may want to ask about your identity include:

  • How do you show up in the world?

  • What helps you embrace your identity? 

  • Where can you be who you truly are…comfortably and confidently?  

  • Has your identity changed due to a transition or shift?

Celebrate who you are and what you bring to the world. Your values, strengths, contributions, abilities, passions, and perspectives are all parts of who you are.

As you evolve, so does your identity. Ultimately, you get to define who you are and how you want to show up!

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Interested in Coaching? If you are  interested in coaching to help manage time & life in a meaningful way, please set up a free 30 minute intro video chat. If you prefer a phone call, just let me know. Please forward this email on to any friends and colleagues who may be interested in coaching. 




Seasons of Change