What is Personal Productivity?
We hear about productivity in the workplace and have an understanding of what it means and looks like. We even have a formula to measure productivity! We hear about efficiency, effectiveness, reaching goals, producing goods, and satisfying customers. The more productive a business is, the better the output. In turn, it produces successful outcomes and growth.
What about productivity in our personal lives? What do we use to measure personal productivity that can lead to successful outcomes and growth in our lives outside of work?
First, we need to examine our own purpose, values, and goals to understand why productivity in our personal lives would be beneficial to us. What is meaningful to you could ultimately drive you to increase personal productivity so that you can have the time to enjoy the things about which you are passionate.
For some people, that could mean getting mundane house chores out of the way in an organized way so that there is more time to go for a run before the sun sets. To others, it could mean getting the bills done on time and having a Sunday afternoon to finish a painting.
Managing the to-do list and the time it takes to accomplish tasks in our daily lives can sometimes be daunting. We often find that there is little time for the things we enjoy doing or working towards that bigger vision we have for ourselves. But if we think in terms of what the ultimate outcomes of our efforts are, we can clarify what is important and what isn’t. We can prioritize our tasks based on what we really want to spend our time doing.
What do you really want to be spending your time doing?
If we think about our time as a commodity and realize that productivity can enhance our personal satisfaction, sustainability, and ultimately our happiness, thinking more strategically about where we put our personal time and energy may motivate us. We might take a closer look at how we can increase personal productivity!
It should be noted that productivity doesn’t necessarily mean doing more; it means prioritizing tasks and to-dos so that you can efficiently use your time the way that suits you best. It could also mean readjusting or decluttering your schedule to create time and space for yourself to get the things done that NEED to get done. Then, you can do the things you WANT to do.
Because each individual has their own unique productivity goals, productivity is defined and therefore measured on an individual basis. What motivates you may not motivate the next person. Success to you is different from the success of your neighbor. What you consider being productive in your personal life is different than what anyone else considers being productive!
In an ideal situation, we could align our personal purpose, values, and goals with our professional life. The reality is, we can’t always achieve this harmonious intermingling of life and work. What we can do is enhance our personal lives by understanding our personal productivity goals. Just as in the workplace, we can achieve successful outcomes and growth on a personal level.
If you are looking for ways to help manage your personal productivity so that you can do the things about which you are passionate, let’s talk! Feel free to contact me for a free 30 minute call. We can work toward reaching your personal productivity goals!