The Art of List-Making
Dani Choi Dani Choi

The Art of List-Making

I am a natural list-maker. As I have grown and technology has evolved, my list types and styles have changed. Nonetheless, I am still a list-maker. I get a certain sense of satisfaction when I am able to cross something off, delete it, or put a big check mark in a box to show something is DONE!

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What is Personal Productivity?
Dani Choi Dani Choi

What is Personal Productivity?

If we think about our time as a commodity and realize that productivity can enhance our personal satisfaction, sustainability, and ultimately our happiness, thinking more strategically about where we put our personal time and energy may motivate us. We might take a closer look at how we can increase personal productivity!

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Declutter Your Schedule
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Declutter Your Schedule

Spring is a good time to put into action what we may have been thinking about doing for a long time - creating some space in our schedules. Find out some steps you can take to clear the clutter from your schedule.

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