What Brings You Joy?
Dani Choi Dani Choi

What Brings You Joy?

I bet you can tell anyone ten things that frustrate you, but can you list at least 10 things that bring you joy? Let's explore what joy means to you and why it is important to incorporate it into your day.

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Reflection Time
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Reflection Time

Making time in your schedule for reflection has many benefits. There are no prescribed methods or ways to reflect, but having some questions to ask yourself is just one way to start. You get to find when and how reflecting works the best for you and your life.

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What is Personal Productivity?
Dani Choi Dani Choi

What is Personal Productivity?

If we think about our time as a commodity and realize that productivity can enhance our personal satisfaction, sustainability, and ultimately our happiness, thinking more strategically about where we put our personal time and energy may motivate us. We might take a closer look at how we can increase personal productivity!

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