Tips for a Smoother Morning Routine

As I write this, we are approaching September. Even if you don’t actually feel a difference in weather, there is something in the air that seems to tell us we are transitioning into a new season. 

I think many of us have routines that we just naturally follow. As we approach a new season, the start of school, or just a new week ahead, we might be thinking about how our routines are going to change and how we might want to readjust them.

Do you follow a daily routine? A morning routine? Have you ever sat down to think about what your routine is and why it might be important to you?

We don’t always realize how much our routines mean to us. Think about some of the things that you do every morning. Maybe you enjoy them, or maybe they are things you do for comfort. Some things we need to do to stay happy and healthy. Others we do out of necessity.   

Starting a new routine can sometimes be difficult, and it can take time to adjust to a new routine. Whether a new routine is self-imposed, altered due to the seasons, or a product of a life-changing event, it is important to give yourself room to grow and adapt. Ideally, once you get comfortable with a routine, you don’t have to think about what to do next, and you free some space in your mind to think about other things. 

For me, routines help ensure that my day gets off to a good start. Then I have something on which to rely as I move through the day and the week. Routines keep me grounded and help decrease my stress level. They also help me get things done in an organized way providing some clarity and simplicity to keep me moving in a positive direction.

This is especially true for my morning routine. Like many people out there, morning is not exactly my favorite time of day. I need to ensure I have the least amount of obstacles in my way. Since I know that I don’t have the capacity to think clearly when I get up, the less I have to think about the better!

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For some people, routines help get things done in an organized way. They may provide some clarity and simplicity to keep things moving in a positive direction.

Let me share some tips that may help modify your morning routine to make it a little easier to handle if, like me, you want to make mornings go as smoothly as possible. Actually, you may want to add a few of these things into your nightly routine to help decrease some of your morning stress! If you aren’t a routine person, there are still some points here that you can use throughout the day to stay organized.

Tips for a Smoother Morning Routine

  • Set alarms. Yes, you may need an alarm to wake up, but you might need a reminder when you only have one hour or 15 minutes before you actually have to be out the door, on a call, etc. Just remember that multiple alarms only work if you listen to them!

  • Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time each day. Not an easy thing to do! Ensure you get the amount of sleep you need for carrying on a productive day.

  • Calculate the REAL amount of time it takes you to get up and get out the door or get yourself ready to tackle the day. It may take a little time before you get a good sense of this amount of time. If you need 2 hours to feel fully functional or get everything in order, you need to allow 2 hours before leaving your house or getting on with your day. Account for that time when you are determining when you need to go to bed and wake up. 

  • Avoid looking at your emails, texts and social media before a certain hour after you wake up. Give your body and mind the space they need to wake up and be fully functioning. It’s better to write a well-intentioned email later in the day rather than have to explain yourself in a back and forth dialogue that takes up more time! 

  • If you have to leave the house or look presentable, pick your outfit(s) the night before. Arrange all the things you will need to wear, including socks, underwear, accessories and shoes, in a place that will be easily accessible while you are getting ready.

  • If you bring lunch or snacks to work/school, prepare them the night before. You can even pack your lunch as you are cleaning up dinner. This works perfectly if you like to eat leftovers, and they will be ready to go into your lunch bag the next day.

  • Have your coffee or morning beverage ready to go when you wake up. Program the coffee maker in advance or put what you need on the counter the night before so that no prep is required in the morning.

  • If there are things you need to do or buy on the way to your destination in the morning (or on your way home), make a list either on your phone or on a piece of paper. If you think of something as you are going about your morning routine, jot it on the list. There is nothing worse than cluttering your brain in the morning with these things and then forgetting them by the time you get out of the house!

  • Keep your keys and any other important items (purse, wallet, phone) you take out the door with you in the same place ALL. THE. TIME. Before you leave the house, have them ready to go. When you get home, put them back in that same place so they don’t get misplaced.

  • If you use an electronic calendar and share it with other people, block off your time until you are free to talk/meet/schedule something. Don’t let people bombard your morning routine. Consider that as your sacred time. If you need time in the morning to be with family, set time aside to do just that. If you need that time for yourself, then you need to protect it.

There you go! I know that as I get older I start to settle into routines and don’t always like change, but then I have to remind myself to think about what is working and what isn’t. This is especially important as I move into a new season or make a life transition

If something in your morning or daily routine is causing more stress instead of less, think about ways to readjust. Your routine should be there to help you create order and clarity in your life. 

If you would like to talk more about organizing a routine that works for you, I am happy to chat!


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