Let’s Start With Goals

Part of my role as a Coach is to help individuals identify and pursue their goals so that they can live the life they want to live with more clarity.

When thinking about where we are and where we want to be, it is important to identify the big picture, long-term and short-term goals at hand. We could apply the goal-setting process to anything in life. My specialty is organizing time, and priorities with people, so that is what I focus on.

There are, of course, inter-connections between these goals and other goals we have. While we can compartmentalize some goals, we have to take into consideration how all the pieces of our life really fit together and look at setting our goals through a wholistic lens.

When setting goals with people I will:

  1. Discuss where they are and where they want to be

  2. Clearly define a goal, write it down, and say it out loud

  3. Come up with a timeline and deadlines

  4. Come up with manageable action steps to work towards the goal

  5. Find people, systems, and tools to help achieve the goal

  6. Look at potential obstacles and how to overcome them

  7. Celebrate accomplishments - big & small - along the way

When I think about my own short and long-term goals, I also have to think about what I can and can't control and whether I am working towards my mission and vision (personally and professionally). Goals can change with the times and with shifting priorities. This is normal!

I like to have a goal written down to ensure that it is something “real” rather than just something I have in my head. However, I don’t want people to think that just because we write something down, it is written in stone. I also like to tell people my goals. It keeps me accountable!

As a coach, It is great to see people reach their goals, but in all honesty, it is also rewarding to see all of the things people accomplish as they are moving towards their goals. I have found that as long as we are recognizing our efforts and truly acknowledging our successes (and failures) along the way, we are making progress. It is so important to reward ourselves and celebrate our accomplishments no matter how big or small they are. I often ask people, what will you do to reward yourself once you accomplish that task? It also doesn’t hurt to have some cheerleaders to help you along the way!


What will you do to reward yourself?

On both a professional and personal level, I had to redefine my business model a few times over to see what would be possible during a worldwide pandemic. The reality is, as we move forward, things always get modified and readjusted. I like to think that every step we take is a step in a positive direction - even if we don’t go exactly down the path we envision or if we have to take a couple steps back and then go forward again. Also, we all take steps at a different pace and in our own unique way.

The important thing to remember is that in order to work towards achieving a goal, it is a lot easier if we have an accountability partner by our side that we can trust as we move forward.

If you are interested in talking more about your goals, please feel free to contact me for a free 30 minute introductory call.


One Task at a Time