Offers & Services

Anti-Burnout Club - meets every 3rd Thursday at noon ET via Zoom for 45 min.

Free - Registration Required - Come as you are available!

The Anti-Burnout Club (ABC) offers resources, discussion, and community-building for people who are on the road to burnout, have experienced it in any way, or who want to AVOID it! This is especially meant for mission-driven individuals drawn to serving others, but all are welcome. 

Dani will guide the discussion and offer books to reference along with other resources.

More Information

Register to Join

Values + Time = Meaning Guided 2-Hr Coaching Session

Price: $22

Intensive two hour guided coaching session that will help you examine your needs & values. In this session, you will: clarify your top 3-5 values explore what they mean to you describe what it looks like to live in alignment with them determine what steps need to be taken to get you moving in a positive direction.

Schedule & Pay for Your Session

Motivate Your MEaning Coaching Package

Recommended price: $816 

This coaching package is designed to look at your own personal meaning, values, and needs. We start by identifying your goals and what you want to accomplish together. We will then explore what is important to you, and understand how you want to spend your time and energy on a daily/weekly basis.

Meanwhile, we identify what makes you the WHOLE person that you are in order to understand what motivates and inspires you. We will explore what provides you with meaning and fulfillment in order to come up with an individualized action plan to move you forward.

This package is a 4 month commitment. You get up to 13 hours of coaching 1:1 along with additional support via text/email/phone in between sessions.

Schedule an Intro. Session with Dani for more information

VIP Coaching Package: Validate Values - Improve Impact - Practice Purposeful Productivity (VIP)

Recommended Price: $1632

This coaching package has all of the elements of the “Motivate Your MEaning” package and goes a bit deeper. We validate your values, discover how to improve your impact, and explore ways you can practice purposeful productivity.

You will gain more self-awareness; acquire skills to advocate for yourself & learn how to set boundaries. You will experiment how to use time and energy in a way that helps you gain more clarity around what will sustain your joy and enthusiasm to continue serving yourself while serving others.

This package is an 8 month commitment. You get up to 26 hours of coaching 1:1 along with additional support via text/email/phone in between sessions.

Schedule an Intro. Session with Dani for more information

Hourly Consulting (for individuals)

Recommended price: $79 

Prices vary for teams/organizations.

Topics may vary depending on your needs. Some of the areas that could be considered include: Weekly schedule planning, breaking tasks down for a bigger project plan, and body doubling.

Schedule an Intro. Session with Dani for more information


Prices vary based on needs & agreements

Workshops are generally on an hourly basis and are meant for smaller group settings to encourage an interactive and welcoming environment. Some topics may include: 

*Fulfilling the Work/Life Experience through a Values-Based Lens

*Doing it ALL: What it Costs and How to Improve Your Impact

*Identifying Priorities - aligning time with values & needs to make a bigger impact

*Setting Boundaries - creating time & space to maintain wellbeing

*Habits & Routines - how they influence our behavior

Schedule an Intro. Session with Dani for more information

Income sensitive pricing available for all services. If you have the means to help someone else obtain coaching or consulting, payment that exceeds the recommended price is welcomed! 

All prices are subject to change. Services may change depending on individual needs.