Feeling Behind
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Feeling Behind

Feeling behind on all the things you want to get done? It may be time to realistically check in on what you can actually do and what is most important to you. Read more about what you can do to gain more peace of mind.

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The Done List
Dani Choi Dani Choi

The Done List

Instead of writing a to-do list, what if we were to make a list of all the things we have already done? Acknowledging what we have accomplished is just as important as knowing what we still want to do!

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Personal Mission Statement
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Personal Mission Statement

It is never too late to think about where we are and where we want to be. Creating our own personal mission statement is just one way to help us use our time and energy in a way that is meaningful to us.

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Reflections on How to Live Your Best Life
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Reflections on How to Live Your Best Life

How can we spend our time and energy to live our best life? My top five takeaways from 2022 offer some ideas. They include: slow down, schedule downtime, align priorities with your mission, create habits and seek support. Continue reading for more insight!

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Dealing with Information Overload
Dani Choi Dani Choi

Dealing with Information Overload

We are taking in more information than ever before and our brains are getting overloaded. We have to determine what we want to spend time and energy thinking about and what we don’t. Read on to find out three tips on how to deal with information overload.

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